「小学英语谚语」A wise man thinks all that he says; a fool says all that he thinks.聪明人想了才说;愚笨人想着就说。

A wise man thinks all that he says; a fool says all that he thinks.聪明人想了才说;愚笨人想着就说。

此谚语两个并列分句是很好的对偶句:wise man对fool,thinks与says都相对,意思是将要说的话先经过思考,不应讲的就不讲,这才是聪明人;相反,将心里所想的话都讲出来了,不管该不该讲,就是愚笨人。


Wise men have their mouth in their heart; fools, their heart in their mouth.(句中fools后省略了have)


Keep your mouth shut and your ears open;keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.



First think, then speak.


Think today, and speak tomorrow.


相关意思的谚语还可参阅:Speech is silver, silence is golden.及:He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue.

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