





  文章主要讲了文迪和彼得潘等几个孩子飞往梦想岛,在那里的奇遇。因为那里没有一个女的,所以文迪在梦幻岛成了抢手货,孩子们、小仙女、美人鱼、印第安人都希望文迪来当他们的妈 妈,就连海盗也想让文迪当妈 妈。她最终成了孩子们的妈 妈。海盗头子狐克十分生气,他打算把彼得和孩子们杀死,觉得就能得到文迪。可是他千方百计地接近文迪都被彼得、印第安人、小仙女们给阻止了。他勃然大怒,和彼得展开了一场“世界型夺妈 妈大赛”,结果当然是彼得・潘赢了。最后他们离开了梦幻岛回到了家,那群可爱的孩子们被文迪的妈 妈领养了。文迪长大后发现彼得还是一个小孩,当她有了孩子,她的孩子每天都听着文迪讲小时候在梦幻岛的故事。等她的孩子长大后,她也被接去了梦幻岛,并成了那群没有妈 妈的小仙女的妈 妈。之后被彼得・潘接去梦幻岛当妈 妈的事从文迪开始就一代一代地传了下去。故事创造了一个让我们十分憧憬的美好世界―梦幻岛。那里有无忧无虑的小仙女、美人鱼,友好的印第安人,可怕的海盗和温暖的地下之家。



























  前几天老师向我们推荐了一本书 ,名字叫《小飞侠彼得 潘》,我把这本书看完了,写下了一篇读后感。

  这本书主要讲的是温迪和她的两个弟弟,约翰、迈克尔。由彼得潘带领着他们飞向永无岛,那里有许多孩子,他们都有一个共同点:那就是他们没有亲人。彼得 潘是他们的老大,孩子们都必须服从他的命令。彼得 潘是一个调皮的男孩子,他讨厌世界上所有的妈妈。但他每次经过温迪的窗前,都能听到温迪给他的弟弟讲故事,他听的入迷了。虽然他不喜欢妈妈,但是他还是想让温迪去永无岛那个地下的家,做他们的妈妈,给他们讲故事。

  读完这个故事,我懂得了我们要向彼得 潘那样勇敢,不要向叮铛铃嫉妒别人,但同时我们要向她学习她那舍己为人的精神。








  在《小飞侠彼得・潘》这本书中,还有许许多多有趣的故事:孩子们有一个地底之家,文蒂在地底之家里给他们考试,文蒂还把迈克挂在摇篮上,有一次,文蒂他们被海盗们抓去了,而且,海盗船长还在彼得・潘的药里加了毒药,彼得・潘想把毒药喝下去,可是,叮叮铃抢先一步,先把把毒药喝了下去,彼得・潘赶紧问孩子们,你们相信有精灵吗?孩子们拍拍手。叮叮铃得救了 ……



  I found this book in the school’s library. The frontal surface is green and with a black shadow of the boy――Peter Pan. It is an English version with brief Chinese introduction.

  But I have to say honestly that I didn’t finish reading this book. Because of my lazy and some other things, I didn’t read some part of this book in English. And I also saw the movie 《Peter Pan》. And I found there are many different plots between book and movies. But they are both funny.

  The author of this book is James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937), a famous British novelist and dramatist.He was born in Scotland, and got the University of Edinburgh’s Bachelor Degree in 1882.In 1885, he moved to London and was engaged in news editing, and he began to create novels. In 1897, he adapted his popular long novel《Little clergyman》 to a drama and acquired succeed. Then his most works are dramas. He was selected as the chairman of the British writer association in 1928. And in 1930, he was engaged as the honorary headmaster of the University of Edinburgh.

  He created many fairy-tale stories and dramas. And the most famous and influential is 《Peter Pan>>, which was published in 1904. And soon it became very hot. In 1953, the Disney Company produced the cartoon movie 《Peter Pan>>. In 1991, Hollywood famous director Steven Spielberg created movie 《Hook Captain>> according to this story. In 20xx, a new edition movie 《Peter Pan》 put on the whole world stage. And this book is published in tens of different languages. In addition, there are many series of pictures, commemorate of volumes, woodcuts, prints, stamps which relative with the story becoming fashionable around all over the world. All of this suggests the successful of this book.

  As for the succeed of this book, because that Barrie created a fascinating fairy-tale world――Neverland. The author tried his best to describe the childlike fun in the Neverland and praise the innocent childish warmly. On the Neverland, there are fairies, pirates, Indians, mermaids and so on. These children live a carefree life in a worm house under a big tree which installs a mushroom as the chimney. They don’t need to grow up here. The war between Peter Pan and pirates, pirates and Indians refract the nature of the children. Barrie just wants to use the mysterious Neverland and the boy Peter Pan who hates to grow up to tell people that childhood is the most beautiful music of our life, and we should cherish this time, and also every children have their authority to enjoy the happiness that belongs to them.

  Peter Pan was the protagonist of the story. He was a naughty, brave, adventurous, handsome, beautiful boy with a little arrogant. Because of his merciless and fairies, he could fly follow his inclinations. He leaded other six boys who were lost by their parents live on the Neverland. They were happy except that they must fight with evil pirates. But on my view, they were along in their heart. So they needed someone to create funny. Then Peter found Wendy. Wendy has two brothers, one named John, the other named Michael. Her mother was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. Her father Mr. Darling was a bank office worker. He was one of those deep ones who know about stocks and shares, but he was a little cowardly. One day, when Peter visits Wendy’s bedroom, his shadow is caught by their nurse――a dog named Nana. Then one night he went their again to find his shadow. He tried his best to fix his shadow to his feet. But he failed. Then he cried beside Wendy’s bed. Then Wendy woke up and helped him to sew his shadow with his feet. Peter crowed rapturously” oh, the cleverness of me!” You see, how ignorant he was! But Wendy was exulting in his ignorance. So when Peter wanted to leave with his small fairies Tinker Bell, Wendy stopped him. Then he persuaded Wendy to go with him together to the Neverland. He told her that there are fairies, Indians, pirates and she didn’t need to grow up. Then Wendy and her two brother fly using the fairy dust followed Peter.

  Several months later, they arrived at the Neverland. Peter leaded them to see the pirates; their caption was Hook, whose one arm was cut off by Peter. And Peter fed the arm with a crocodile that ate an alarm at the same time. The crocodile liked his arm so much, that it has followed he ever since, from sea to sea and from land to land, licking its lips for the rest of Hook. When Hook heard the sound “tick, tick, tick, tick”, he knew that the danger was coming. So Hook hated Peter very much and his arm was installed an iron hook to kill people, and he always hoped to kill Peter. When he found them lying on the cloud, he fired them. Then, Peter went to fight with Hook, and he commanded fairy Ting to save Wendy. But as fairies only have one kind of feeling, so she liked Peter and hated Wendy. Then she told other six boys that Peter wanted them to shoot the Wendy who was falling in the sky. Fortunately, a button that Peter sent saved her. Then these boys built a house for her. They regarded Peter as their father, Wendy as their mother. They lived a period of happy time with mermaids, Indians, never birds. But one day, Wendy remembered her real parents, so, she decided to go home with her two brothers and grow up. This made Peter feel very sad, but he still didn’t admit his real feeling, and said” If you wanted it”。 Then he went to bed angrily. Wendy and other boys went to pack things to go home. When they went off their house, they were caught by evil Hook to his pirate ship. And Hook added poison in Peter’s water. When Peter woke up, he saw nobody here. And when he wanted to drink the water, his fairies Ting drunk it and died. Peter draped in extremely sadness. He cried and shouted,” Don’t leave me, Ting. I do believe in fairies. I do! I do!” Then everyone, on the Neverland, on the land, said,”I believe in fairies, I do, I do! ” Magically, Ting revived. And Peter with she to go to save these children. Eventually, with a kiss from Wendy, which was Wendy’s first kiss, Peter beat Hook. Then Peter used this ship to send them to go back to Wendy’s home. Wendy’s parents adopted other six boys. But Peter still refused to grow up and he returned to the Neverland with Ting. And many years later Wendy grew up and her daughter Jan went to the Neverland to stay a period of time with Peter, when Jan grows up she will have a daughter, who is to be Peter’s mother in turn; and thus it will go on, so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless.

  All children grow up except one――Peter Pan. This is the ending of this story. In terms of the real life, maybe this ending is the best.() But I also feel a little sadness. Because I hope that Peter can live with Wendy forever. But I know that this is a fair tale.

  I like one sentience in this book, “You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.” Yes, when we start something, then we are approaching to the end. It’s no doubt that we must to grow up. It can not be avoided. Never grow up, this is just a fancy.

  Just this year, my friends told me sadly that we are approaching 30 years old. I can’t agree with him any more. I was already grown up. And I must to think about my future. I dare to say that there must have a Peter Pan in everyone’s heart and he can not win the real world. But we can keep him in our mind, and we should keep childishness all the time, then to be a kind handsome person.


















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