「小学英语谚语」A man that breaks his word bids others to be false to him.对人不守信,无异叫别人也对你不守信。

A man that breaks his word bids others to be false to him.对人不守信,无异叫别人也对你不守信。

句中false的意思是“虚假”、“不守信用”,与to break one\’s word同义;to be false to somebody即“对某人不忠实”。这句说明了害人终害己的道理。


He that once deceives is ever suspected.


We should be as good as our words.


A liar is not believed when he tells the truth.


Lying is the first step to the gallows.



类似意思的谚语还可参阅:Though a lie be well dressed, it is ever overcome.

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