「小学英语谚语」There is no wheat without chaff.没有麦粒不带壳。

There is no wheat without chaff.没有麦粒不带壳。

十七世纪英国诗人George Wither也是用麦粒作比喻说明同样意思的:

Till from the straw the flail the corn doth beat,

Until the chaff is purged from the wheat,

Yea, till the mill the grains in pieces tear,

The richness of the flour will scarce appear.

上文的意思是有价值的东西往往被无价值的东西所掩盖,所以我们认识事物要透过现象看本质,不能被假象所蒙蔽。据说宝玉都包藏在石头里面,这包藏宝玉的石称为璞。中国古代“和氏璧”的故事,也是说明这同样的道理。《圣经》里有这么一句话:“to sift the wheat from the chaff”也是劝告人们要去芜存菁,分清良莠。


Don\’t hide your light under a bushel.


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