「小学英语谚语」The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.魔鬼也能利用《圣经》干自己的勾当。

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.魔鬼也能利用《圣经》干自己的勾当。

这条谚语出自莎士比亚的名著《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice),原文是:

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose,

An evil soul, producing holy witness,

Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,

A goodly apple, rotten at the heart:

Oh, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!

此外他在另外一剧《理查二世》(Richard Ⅱ)中也有类似的话:

But then I sigh; and, with a piece of Scripture,

Tell them that God bids us do good for evil:

And thus I clothe my naked villainy

With old odd ends, stolen out of holy writ;

And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.


Fine words dress ill deeds.


Pretended holiness is double iniquity.



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